De vrais couples, de vraies histoires !

Les membres qui ont trouvé l'amour sur ChristianCupid

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Nous nous sommes trouvés sur ce site.

Nous nous sommes trouvés sur ce site web. Il vit au Canada et moi en Allemagne. On s'est rencontrés l'année dernière après la fin de mes études, il m'a rendu visite en Allemagne pendant un mois. Après cette belle visite, je suis... Nous nous sommes trouvés sur ce site web. Il vit au Canada et moi en Allemagne. On s'est rencontrés l'année dernière après la fin de mes études, il m'a rendu visite en Allemagne pendant un mois. Après cette belle visite, je suis venue avec lui au Canada. Un été très agréable où j'ai appris à connaître sa famille. Parce que je voulais quelqu'un qui parle anglais. En fait, je voulais rencontrer un chrétien et maintenant nous sommes ensemble depuis déjà un an.

we have connected very well, we have a lot in common

we have connected very well 🙏 we have a lot in common we have connected very well 🙏 we have a lot in common

I finally found my dream man!

Hello, I'm Maria from the Philippines, and I'm incredibly grateful to have found my dream man here. We've been talking for almost three months now, and I'm eagerly looking forward to meeting him in person. I feel very fortunate to have met him on ChristianCupid—he is a resp... Hello, I'm Maria from the Philippines, and I'm incredibly grateful to have found my dream man here. We've been talking for almost three months now, and I'm eagerly looking forward to meeting him in person. I feel very fortunate to have met him on ChristianCupid—he is a respectful, honest, and God-fearing man. I hope everyone here is able to find what they're searching for. Wishing the best of luck to all the seekers, and may God bless all the members here

A wonderful Filipina messaged me, I responded, and the rest is history

My name is Harold, and I’m thrilled to share that I found success on ChristianCupid. A wonderful Filipina messaged me, I responded, and the rest is history. We’re officially in love—We are a couple. Without ChristianCupid, our paths would have never crossed. The search is over, tha... My name is Harold, and I’m thrilled to share that I found success on ChristianCupid. A wonderful Filipina messaged me, I responded, and the rest is history. We’re officially in love—We are a couple. Without ChristianCupid, our paths would have never crossed. The search is over, thank God!

I’ve found my perfect match—it was worth the wait!

I’ve found my perfect match, a true Christian. Thank you, it was worth the wait! I’ve found my perfect match, a true Christian. Thank you, it was worth the wait!

I’ve found a truly sweet woman—she’s kind, loving, and adorable.

I’ve found a truly sweet woman—she’s kind, loving, and adorable. She’s everything I need. I’ve found a truly sweet woman—she’s kind, loving, and adorable. She’s everything I need.